Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Epic Fail Compilation 2012!

Fail Funny Videos: Epic Fail Compilation 2012!.

Epic Fail Compilation 2012!

Epic Fail Compilation 2012!

Video rating: 4 of 5
Video Title: Epic Fail Compilation 2012!
Video Description: This is an Epic Fail Compilation 2012! Hope you Enjoy Check out : http://www.YouTube.com/WTFailable.

courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvRERFsgVsI - Epic Fail Compilation 2012!

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15 comments: Epic Fail Compilation 2012!

  1. This is real EPIC WIN type stuff
    ① EPIC Radio Controlled WINS #1
      1. this is a really stupid show
        1. 6:10 be careful you idiot thats why you were told the monkeys on the bed
          story lol
          6:13 OH MY JESUS! ...yea id be bit concerned too..hope shes
          alright..probably gonna need at least 300 for that doctor bill for jesus to
          wanna help u lol
          1. Had me till the last one with the 2 cats. That was cruel & shameful! Not to
            mention MEAN! Someone needs to have their ass kicked!
            1. 2:24 Achievement Unlocked: Gets Scared by Adorable Kitten Sneeze
              1. 1:47 no wonder they make babies so fast haha.
                1. 5:22 when sister gets outta control..she gets..OUTTA DA HOUSE lol..but she
                  always comes back with a red face..
                  shoulda kept track of dat ipod huh girly?
                  1. "Watwoy...watwoy...ughghughh," x 3. ..and then :" I usually sell 10 boxes
                    but I sold....62!" Chairs lip ..then
                    THUMP!...then..."Maaaaaoooom!"......this video historically seen tells us:
                    1) Earning big bucks is ok ..as long as you don't brag about it on
                    youtube...because then.....2) God serves you your ass up 3) yes there IS a
                    God because this is sooooo.funny..and screw Stephen Hawkins and co. Because
                    that WAS intelligent design. 4) Stephen Hawkins is a boob. 5) this video
                    beats fat man falling from a chair 6) drunk gal falling thru glass table
                    singing the perculator 6) this video is as is or even better than GHETTO
                    rePrter: " I m
                    ok youtubecommntleaverfriends PLEASE GIvE me thumbs up if you like my
                    1. Wow mind blown! #amazying 
                      1. swimgirljc732001 Gigi December 9, 2014 at 6:09 AM X
                        The first one was funny
                        1. Nicole Zepeda-Acosta December 9, 2014 at 6:28 AM X
                          I thought the first one was funny "I usually sell 10 boxes, but I sold
                          60...... Odd mmmooommm
                          1. Deadpool2029 gaming December 9, 2014 at 6:29 AM X
                            THE FIRST ONE HAHAHA GRAVITY GOT YOU BITCH
                            1. talk about..balls deep lmao 4:19
                              i think she was checkin him out..seeing if he had a steel rod and balls to
                              go with it lol
                              1. This is not right laughfing at them they can be badly injured

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